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Masons Alberta
Masons Edmonton
Freemasons Edmonton
Phoenix District
Calgary, Crossfield & Didsbury
Carstairs #20 | Masonic Hall, Crossfield | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting
King Hiram #21| Masonic-Star Hall, Didsbury | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting
Crossfield #48 | Masonic Hall, Crossfield | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting
King George #59 | King George Masonic Hall, Calgary | 2nd Friday Regular Meeting
Crescent #87 | King George Masonic Hall, Calgary | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting
Concord #124 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 1st Saturday Regular Meeting
Canada #165 | King George Masonic Hall, Calgary | 2nd Wednesday Regular Meeting
Mosaic #176 | Bowmont Masonic Hall, Calgary | 2nd Wednesday Regular Meeting
Loyalty #197 | Bowmont Masonic Hall, Calgary | 3rd Tuesday Regular Meeting
Airdre Wildrose #2001 | Masonic Hall, Crossfield | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting
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