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Joining Freemasonry

*Do you wish to be a man who stands firm in his convictions yet does so with compassion and mercy?

*Do you wish to have the intellectual and emotional underpinnings that ensure equality in your attitude and actions? 

*Do you value fraternity, liberty and equality?

*Would the association with and support of like-minded men help you to become a better man?


If your answer to these questions is “Yes” then your investigation has led you to the right place for that is what Freemasonry is about. However, becoming a better man is not achieved magically.  Simply becoming a Freemason will not transform you.  As with anything else in life that you wish to achieve, it takes commitment, effort, time and perseverance.


If you’re ready to make this commitment then the next step is to choose a Masonic Lodge that fits with your life.  In major centres like Edmonton, there are Lodge meetings every night of the week and on Saturdays.


About Ye Olde Craft Lodge

Ye Olde Craft Lodge meets the second Saturday of the month at 9:00 AM at Highlands Masonic Hall, 5526 - 118 Avenue, Edmonton.  This time was specifically chosen to suit those who work long days during the week or travel during the week.  After a Lodge meeting there is a meal, providing time to fraternize.  Typically, the members are headed home between 1:00-1:30 PM giving the rest of Saturday for family time or other pursuits.


A considerable part of Freemasonry is ritual work, which is memorized by the members and conveys the moral values and lessons of what we call The Craft.  Ye Olde Craft Lodge has a tradition of excellent ritual work, which means potential members are expected to commit to making their best effort to maintain and not dilute this standard.


Ye Olde Craft Lodge is of medium size in terms of members and this provides an opportunity for new entrants to become actively involved in the functions and affairs of the Lodge.  Indeed, it is expected! Passive membership serves neither you nor the Lodge.


A Message from A Ye Olde Craft Member

"When I joined Freemasonry I did so because I thought the world tends to have a negative view of men.  I believe that men are motivated by positive, constructive feelings far more than is generally acknowledged.  While I couldn’t be sure, it seemed to me that Freemasonry offered the possibility of associating with men who held a similar belief.  I found my speculation to be true...and I found so much more.  First off, from the point of petitioning through the degrees, the Secretary kept sending me materials which in ever increasing depth, laid out a system of beliefs that were totally aligned with beliefs I had developed over my life.  Most belief systems I had encountered required adherents to be followers rather than encouraging an enquiring, even skeptical mind, individual effort, direct experience and the drawing of conclusions from the insight gained through thoughtful reflection.  If I had known Freemasonry to be such a strong proponent for the freedom of the individual, simultaneously being a most democratic institution, where the glue that binds its members is the mutual respect that arises naturally from brotherly love, I would have petitioned 20 years earlier.  Over the last 12 years I’ve met good men from all corners of the province." - SG


How To Join? 

For membership inquiries contact us here.


Weeknight Lodges

Weeknight meetings typically start at 7:30 PM with a few Lodges meeting at 6:30 PM.  If weeknight meetings are more suitable to your life's schedule visit the Grand Lodge of Alberta's website for membership information. 

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