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Masons Alberta
Masons Edmonton
Freemasons Edmonton
Calgary-Highwood District
Blackie, Calgary, High River, Okotoks & Nanton
Nanton #17 | Masonic Hall, Nanton | 2nd Thursday Regular Meeting
Cornerstone #19 | Masonic Hall, High River | 3rd Thursday Regular Meeting
Corinthian #22 | Masonic Hall, Okotoks | 1st Tuesday Regular Meeting
Calgary #23 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 1st Friday Regular Meeting
Mount Lebanon #54 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 2nd Tuesday Regular Meeting
Zetland #83 | Freemasons Hall, Calgary | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting
Glenbow #184 | St, Marks Masonic Hall, Calgary | 1st Thursday Regular Meeting
Lodge Pythagoras 345 #202 | Masonic Hall, Okotoks | 4th Thursday Sept, Nov, Jan, Mar, May Regular Meeting
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