Masons Alberta
Masons Edmonton
Freemasons Edmonton
March 11th, 2023
Congratulations to all the officers who have stepped into their new positions! It will be a great year and your commitment and dedication to the Lodge will be the reason for the Lodge's success.
After this meeting, we also had the opportunity to present a cheque for $4,000 to Geoff Knechtel, Director of Philanthropy from the Mental Health Foundation. $2000 was raised at our 2022 Christmas Charity Luncheon and was matched by the Masonic Foundation of Alberta. Great work for a great cause!
Help Support a Worthy Cause
Mental Health issues affect thousands of Albertans each year. Some of those affected may be members of your family or part of your friend group. You may not know how to help or how to best support them, but there are ways you can make a difference!
One of them is by helping Ye Olde Craft Lodge raise money for the Mental Health Foundation of Alberta by donating today.
100% of your donation will be added to our annual contribution to this very worthy cause.
October 8th, 2022
It was a great morning for the Initiation of Bro. Ernesto Jr. Arinal! The Degree team did a fantastic job and we are all excited to have him join our Lodge! Bro. Arinal, you are at the beginning of what can be a very enjoyable journey and we are looking forward to seeing you progress in the Craft. Congratulations!
April 9th, 2022
Congratulation to Bro. Heherson Respicio for doing great work at proving your proficiency in the Entered Apprentice Degree, and being Passed to the Fellowcraft Degree! We can't wait to follow you as you continue your Masonic journey.
Also congratulations to Bro. Kevin Peill for affiliating with Ye Olde Craft Lodge. We are happy to have you as a new member and want to welcome you to our Lodge!
Past Master's Message
Greetings, and welcome to our Official Lodge Website. Please feel free to take a look around. Our Website has a lot of information for both Masons, and non-Masons who are interested in our beloved Fraternity. Freemasonry is a way of life. I became a member when I was 34 years old. My Grandfather was a Mason (and Past Master of his Lodge) - as well as many of my relatives. When my Grandfather passed away in 1989, I was given his Masonic ring. I was always curious about what it was all about. It took me many years until I decided to look into it further. Once I did, I found a Lodge in which I wanted to become a member. I am so glad that I finally made that decision to do so. I have met many like minded men in the Fraternity. I strongly recommend becoming a Mason for those who believe in God, have strict morals and just being a good overall man in his everyday life. Freemasonry gives you the tools to help you become an even better man. If you are interested, it's just as simple as sending us a message. We will make arrangements to meet with you.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Freemasonry is...
Kindness in the home, Honesty in business,
Courtesy in society, Fairness in work,
Resistance toward the wicked,
Pity and concern for the unfortunate,
Help for the weak, Trust in the strong,
Forgiveness for the penitent,
And, above all,
Love for one another and reverence and love for God.
Freemasonry is a way of life
For more information about joining Freemasonry
Our Aim
Freemasonry is a way of life and is composed of people of all nationalities, religions, occupations and ages.
Freemasons believe in truth, tolerance, respect, and freedom. Anyone may petition to be a Mason so long as they meet a few requirements.
Freemasons believe in “making good men better” which implies that its adherents should seek continual improvement and growth.
A maxim in ancient Greece, “Man Know Thyself”, has echoes in modern ceremonial Freemasonry and implies the importance of learning about self, for by becoming a more enlightened and principled individual it is most probable that a person will in turn be a contributing citizen to their society.
It is important that a Mason be a good family member, friend, neighbor and employee. Freemasons believe in living a life of positive contribution and to the building up of self, society and the world.
Masonry is not a substitute for a person's chosen faith but rather supplements faith, spirituality, life and living.